The Scotland-Russia Forum SCIO
aims and activities
A The aim of the Scotland-Russia Forum (SRF) is to promote interest in Russia and its neighbours in order to improve understanding of those countries in Scotland. The SRF is an independent incorporated Scottish charity (reg. no. SC038728) founded in February 2003 and run by volunteers. We publish a biannual journal, the Forum and organise a variety of events. We ran a Russian culture centre, the Scotland-Russia Institute, in Edinburgh 2008-12. The SRF office then moved to Summerhall, an Edinburgh arts centre. A decision was taken in February 2019 to move from the Summerhall office and the new POSTAL address for the SRF is c/o CEES (Centre for East European Studies), University of Glasgow, 8 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow G12 8QQ. SRF has always had close ties with CEES and we hope this move will be a creative and a fruitful one. Should you wish to contact the SRF please EITHER use the postal address (as above) OR email us at [email protected]. Emails are checked on an almost daily basis so you will receive a reply from us very quickly. The SRF has about 200 full members and over 500 people receive regular e-bulletins with information on events all over Scotland. Download the SRF Constitution and the SRF Privacy Policy |
Главной задачей Форума Шотландия-Россия (ФШР) является пробуждение в Шотландии интереса к России и соседствующим с ней государствам с целью улучшения взаимопонимания. ФШР – это шотландская благотворительная организация (рег. номер SC038728), основанная в феврале 2003 г., и управляемая волонтерами. Дважды в год мы выпускаем свой журнал, The Forum. У нас регулярно проводятся различные мероприятия. C 2008 по 2012 гг. у нас работал культурный центр в Эдинбурге – Институт Шотландия-Россия. Сейчас у нас офис находится в эдинбургском центре искусств Самерхол. На данный момент членство ФШР составляет около 200 человек, в то время как более 500 человек регулярно получают наши электронные бюллетени с информацией о мероприятиях, проходящих по всей Шотландии. Скачать Конституцию и Политику конфидентиальности |
officers and committee
Hon. President: The Rt. Hon. Sir Malcolm Rifkind
Hon. Vice-Presidents: The Baroness Smith of Gilmorehill; Lt. Commander Dairmid Gunn, OBE, Royal Navy (Rtd)
Founder President (2003-7): Tam Dalyell
Hon. Vice-Presidents: The Baroness Smith of Gilmorehill; Lt. Commander Dairmid Gunn, OBE, Royal Navy (Rtd)
Founder President (2003-7): Tam Dalyell
Committee 2023
Chairperson: Margaret Tejerizo
Hon. Secretary: Ewan Paterson
Hon. Treasurer: Graham Dane
Other committee members: Tom Hubbard, Dr. Alexandra Smith, Jennifer Scarce, Dr. Mario Relich, Mikhail Vodopyanov.
Chairperson: Margaret Tejerizo
Hon. Secretary: Ewan Paterson
Hon. Treasurer: Graham Dane
Other committee members: Tom Hubbard, Dr. Alexandra Smith, Jennifer Scarce, Dr. Mario Relich, Mikhail Vodopyanov.
annual reports
Since 2007-8 we have sent an annual report of activities to the OSCR. Contact [email protected] for a copy.
The chair's reports to the AGM give a short overview of the year: 2015-16 / OSCR trustee report 2015-16
Annual reports 2003-2008 and chair's reports 2009 onwards can be found in the Archive.
The chair's reports to the AGM give a short overview of the year: 2015-16 / OSCR trustee report 2015-16
Annual reports 2003-2008 and chair's reports 2009 onwards can be found in the Archive.
sponsors and grants
2008: National Lottery Awards for All
2008-11: Scottish & Newcastle plc
2011: Russkiy Mir Foundation
2011-13: Dr Ruth Schroek; CRCEES
2014-15: CRCEES, Scottish Government
2018: Future for Russia Foundation
2008-11: Scottish & Newcastle plc
2011: Russkiy Mir Foundation
2011-13: Dr Ruth Schroek; CRCEES
2014-15: CRCEES, Scottish Government
2018: Future for Russia Foundation
The SRF is also very grateful to all its members and to many other organisations and individuals for their support, financial and moral.
We would like to note sincere thanks to Jenny Carr for her outstanding work as Chair of the SRF for 16 years. We wish her a happy retirement and success in all her ventures.
We would like to note sincere thanks to Jenny Carr for her outstanding work as Chair of the SRF for 16 years. We wish her a happy retirement and success in all her ventures.